March 26, 2025

15 thoughts on “Etomethazene

  1. I would like to order a small sample, at least 5 grams etomethazene, contact me, I would like to clarify some details, thank

  2. Hello,
    I am interested in purchasing Etomethazene. Please send me a current product list of all opioids you deliver to the USA.. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

  3. If you are still shipping your item? I would like to buy 10 grams of etomethazene from you, but I have not received an email response from you. Answer me.

  4. Hi I was wondering if you knew if etomethazene would show up on saliva/mouth swab also I understand it is undetectable in urine test. Also if u know of any other opiates and stimulants that may also be in this undetectable range please send me a list of products I am planning on ordering tomorrow.

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