LSD is a chemically synthesized psychoactive substance that immerses a person into unusual states of consciousness, can cause a variety of hallucinations, sharpens sensitivity and makes him see the world around him in a completely different light. When used, various body reactions are possible. LSD is a solid, colorless, tasteless and odorless, crystallizes in the form of prisms. Practically insoluble in water, melting point 198-200 C. Chemists may call it lysergic acid N, N-diethylamide or N, N-diethylamine-silamide. Also LSD is known as LSD-25, Lysergide, Delysid. LSD users call it “acid.” LSD is one of the most powerful and dangerous tools that affect the human subconscious. It is made from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot – a fungus that infects rye and some other grain crops (the ergot fungus grows directly on the grains). In English, LSD sounds like Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and in German Lyserg-Saeure-Diaethylamid (hence the abbreviation).

What are the effects of LSD?
The effect of LSD usually begins 30–90 minutes after it is taken by mouth and can last even for 12 hours. People who take LSD may experience certain sensations associated with effects on physiology, such as an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness, lack of appetite, dry mouth, sweating, nausea, numbness in the hands and feet, and tremors; but the effect of the drug is mainly manifested on an emotional and sensual level. The emotions of the person taking the drug can very quickly change from fear to euphoria, and such transitions will be so rapid that it would seem that a person experiences several sensations at the same time.
LSD also has a strong effect on the senses. Sensations of color, smell, and others seem to be very, very intense. In some cases, sensory sensations can merge together, while the person feels that he is able to hear and feel colors and see sounds.
Hallucinations distort or alter the outlines of objects and various forms of movement. They can cause the feeling that the passage of time has slowed down a lot or that the shape of a person’s body has changed. A person who has taken a drug sometimes experiences pleasant sensations that stimulate the brain, as well as a feeling of in-depth understanding of everything that happens. It can also appear scary thoughts and nightmares, feelings of anxiety and despair, including the fear of insanity or death, or loss of control over yourself.

Is LSD addictive?
LSD does not cause physical dependence. Psychological dependence can sometimes develop, especially from frequent and uncontrolled intake of LSD (several times a week for a long time). There are no “breaks” at refusal from LSD. There is depression, apathy, loss of appetite, various manias and psychotic neuroses can develop.
Is it true that LSD can go crazy?
For healthy people, no, but I heard a story when people after long-term LSD administration went to a psychiatric hospital. For the mentally ill, there can be both aggravations and improvements. LSD is not recommended for people with mental problems, especially with mental disorders of a schizophrenic nature, because such people may have exacerbations as a result of LSD, but also improve their mental health. There are cases of mental deterioration caused by the use of LSD.
Two long-term effects of chronic psychosis and chronic hallucinogenic sensory disorder (HGRV), often referred to as “flashbacks” or “flashback”, are associated with the use of LSD. The causes of such effects, which some people experience even after a single use of the drug, are unknown.
Psychosis. The effects of the use of LSD can be described as a psychosis caused by drugs, distorting or disturbing the order in which a person performs his ability to identify events and objects of reality, to think reasonably or to communicate with others. Some people who use LSD experience a psychologically damaging effect that does not disappear after the expiration of the drug, which causes a long-term condition that is very similar to psychosis. Long-term psychosis can be characterized by sharp and severe changes in mood from a manic state to a deep depression, vividly manifested visual disorders and hallucinations.
How does LSD affect chromosomes?
LSD does not affect chromosomes. At one time, the myth was very common that LSD can alter human chromosomes. It was said that those who use LSD may have mutant children in the future and that LSD greatly influences all organs of the human body. But since scientists could not find evidence, the theory of chromosome change was not developed further. Serious studies were conducted in this area, but they boiled down to the following conclusion: the risk of damage to the chromosomes as a result of taking LSD is not higher than from the use of aspirin. In other words, almost zero.
Are there analogues in LSD?
There is. First, various amide variations of LSD (some of them can be obtained from Hawaiian Tree Rose and Morning Glory (Ipomoea)). Secondly, there are psychotropic fungi that contain the substance psilocybin and psilocin and the peyote cactus (lofophora williamsi), which contains mescaline. These substances cause similar states of consciousness, like LSD-25. There are also many chemicals with similar effects on the human subconscious: DMT, DOB, MDMA, etc.
Does LSD tolerance?
LSD has a temporary tolerance. Completely LSD is eliminated from the body in 3-6 days. After this time, the LSD will continue to function.
In what form is LSD usually seen?
Most often, LSD is either paper impregnated with a small amount of d-lysergic acid solution (this is called “brand”, “blotter”, from the English word “blotter”), or gel, or a pill, which is rare. It is also known that 20-30 years ago it was possible to meet pieces of sugar soaked with lysergic acid.
Is it legal to use LSD?
Not. For storage, the acquisition of LSD comes criminal liability.