
Tramadol is a potent drug, belongs to the category of opioid analgesics. A synthetic analogue of opium is prescribed to an incurable patient in the final stages of cancer, when the pain becomes unbearable. It is a powerful analgesic that is not considered a drug. But if you exceed the dosage can cause dependence after the first use. According to the degree of impact on the body, it is inferior only to trimethylphentamine (otherwise called “White Chinese”).

History of appearance The drug tramadol was developed in 1962, the invention belongs to Dr. Flick, a specialist of the German pharmaceutical company Grünental. Synthetic opiate quickly became popular among drug addicts, its worldwide sales soared to record highs. Since the exact dose, beyond which it was dangerous to enter, was not yet known, the number of cases of tramadol overdose increased dramatically. Ambulance stations around the world daily recorded up to 25,000 calls for such cases, with about 70% of patients being physicians could not help. The “tramadol epidemic,” which began in 1962, claimed a total of more than 350 million people during this lifetime. On average, 13–15 drug addicts die from tramadol every minute, the total number of drug addicts to the drug exceeds 120 million people. Legal status The production and sale of Tramadol is carried out under strict control. Since the drug belongs to the category of dangerous potent drugs that have a negative effect on the body, in some countries, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, it is officially considered a drug. In Sweden, Tramadol can be easily purchased by presenting the usual recipe.
The composition and properties of the drug The main active ingredient of the drug – tramadol hydrochloride, the composition of the auxiliary components depends on the form of the release – solution for injection, tablets or capsules. Entering the systemic circulation, the active substance tramadol blocks the transmission of pain impulses. At the same time, opioid receptors are stimulated, which reduces the intensity of pain. The analgesic effect occurs almost immediately with the introduction of the solution and 15-20 minutes after taking the pills. In medicine, Tramadol can be prescribed for pain in patients with cancer in the last stage. The drug is used as part of palliative therapy, that is, to alleviate the condition of a terminally ill person.

Why and how the dependence of Tramadol, prescribed in therapeutic dosage for oncology, rarely causes addiction. But it is worth even slightly to exceed the dose recommended by the doctor, as the addiction comes – both psychological and physical. In cancer patients who take the drug for a long time – more than three months – it is also possible to form a pathological craving for the next medication. When used as a narcotic drug, Tramadol happens very quickly: the addiction often appears after the first “non-therapeutic” dose, which is 7-8 tablets. A few minutes after the use of the drug comes a state of euphoria, which lasts up to one and a half days.
When trying to refuse to take a drug, a drug addict is experiencing a severe withdrawal syndrome, just like after taking opium. Breaking lasts 2–3 weeks, all this time a drug addict suffers from severe headaches, muscle aches, chills and fever, and tachycardia develops. In parallel, there are mental disorders: The patient falls into depression, suicidal thoughts appear. There is a strong irritability with flashes of unmotivated aggression. The person becomes hysterical, the feeling of shame, guilt for his actions – and sometimes for the fictional – is aggravated. During abstinence, sleep is disturbed, the patient has realistic nightmares, hallucinations. In severe withdrawal symptoms, epileptic seizures are noted. Thus, a physical dependence on the use of Tramadol is formed – the addict goes in search of another dose in order to prevent the onset of withdrawal. Long-term use of the drug leads to the fact that in a short time a person turns into an invalid due to destruction of the liver, damage to the central nervous system.

Priznaki i simptomy upotrebleniya Ofitsial’no Tramadol ne priznan narkotikom, no yesli chelovek, prinimayushchiy tabletki dlya polucheniya «narkoticheskogo prikhoda», sdelayet test na opiynyye narkotiki, tot pokazhet polozhitel’nyy rezul’tat. Raspoznat’ narkomana mozhno i vneshne. Pervyye priznaki upotrebleniya narkotika – povedencheskiye rasstroystva, oni proyavlyayutsya: Gallyutsinatsiyami. Narusheniyem koordinatsii, bessvyaznoy rech’yu. Usilennoy zhestikulyatsiyey. Vyalost’yu, zatormozhennost’yu libo, naprotiv, chrezmernoy aktivnost’yu. Opredelit’, chto chelovek prinimayet Tramadol, mozhno i po fiziologicheskim proyavleniyam. U narkomana, upotreblyayushchego preparat, otmechayutsya sleduyushchiye simptomy: Istochnik publikatsii: https://narcoff.com/narkomaniya/veshchestva/tramadol-narkotikShow more735/5000Signs and symptoms of use Officially, Tramadol is not recognized as a drug, but if a person taking pills to receive a “drug intake” makes an opiate drug test, he will show a positive result. You can recognize a drug addict externally. The first signs of drug use are behavioral disorders, they manifest themselves: Hallucinations. Coordination disorder, incoherent speech. Strong gestures. Lethargy, lethargy, or, conversely, excessive activity. Determine that a person takes Tramadol, it is possible and the physiological manifestations.
As drug addicts use tramadol. Addicts prefer to use tramadol in capsules or tablets, solutions in ampoules are used less frequently. Many drug addicts replace them with heroin, since the effect of taking Tramadol is similar to heroin, but the medicine is cheaper and easier to buy. Therefore, tramadol addiction is common among young people. In the pharmacy, the drug is available strictly on prescription, but tramadol addicts find dozens of opportunities to purchase the drug. Like other drugs, it is actively implemented “from under the floor” illegal traders. Unlike methadone or amphetamine, the penalty for distributing Tramadol is much milder, because the drug is not considered a drug. There are online pharmacies where you can order Tramadol, Ephedrine and other potent drugs without a prescription – the order will be sent by mail.
It is impossible to extract opium from Tramadol; to enhance the effect, drug addicts drink a solution of tablets mixed with alcohol, crystalline iodine. The combination of Tramal with Hydrocodone, Codeine, and other morphine-related compounds is popular.
Effects of use and effects
The narcotic effect of Tramadol appears after consuming 8-10 tablets at a time. Judging by the reviews of drug addicts, in most cases, addiction develops after the first dose. If untreated, the average lifespan of a tramadol addict is no more than 4 years. Side effects begin to appear after 3-6 months of drug use: eyesight deteriorates, appetite disappears, depression develops. Often there is an allergy in the form of urticaria. Dangerous effects of long-term administration of Tramadol are abnormal liver functions: toxic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis are often diagnosed in tramadol people. In people taking tramadol for a year or more, there is a loss of teeth and hair, epileptic seizures, paranoid states.