Marijuana is one of the most popular youth drugs. In our time, probably there will not be a person at the age of 20 who would not try to smoke marijuana. In many countries it has already been legalized and is a marijuana drug-this and will go on to grow up.
CANNABIS SATIVA (CANNABIS) is a widespread wild cannabis, for a long time due to the psychoactive properties used for treatment, and also to achieve a special ecstatic state as euphorigenic and hallucinogenic.
The term “marijuana” comes from the Portuguese word mariguango, which translates as “intoxicating.” Both marijuana and hashish originate from cannabis sativa. Marijuana is the upper part of a plant with leaves. Hashish is made from resin dust, which is secreted by a hemp plant for protection from the sun, heat and to maintain the level of liquid. Plants growing in a warm climate emit more tar, which is a strong psychoactive agent.
Even in handwritten sources of the XV century, the use of cannabis resin in the Chinese pharmacopoeia as an anesthetic is indicated. For medical and religious purposes it was used in India, then in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. The term assassin was brought to Europe by the Crusaders from Arab countries of the 11th century: this substance was used in sects when performing rituals. In Europe and the United States, cannabis has become popular since the 19th century as a medicinal and psychoactive drug. About him write and study its effect on the human body. In the United States, until 1942, cannabis preparations were allowed for use as medicines, were part of the US pharmacopeia, and were sold in pharmacies as a general-purpose drug.
The end of XIX and beginning of XX centuries. Characterized by the growing popularity of marijuana and a significant increase in its sale. The struggle at the government level has been going on since the 1930s when the US federal anti-drug authorities have enacted a law banning not only the cultivation of cannabis and free sale, but also the use of drugs manufactured from it. Many states support this law. However, despite the statements of administrative bodies, scientific institutions and organizations that have accumulated enough facts of the negative medical and social impact of the drug, the society has long maintained a stable opinion about the safety of the use of marijuana and the absence of addiction. Marijuana is allocated to the class of “light” drugs, unlike “heavy” (heroin). In the public mind, the opinion about using marijuana as a socially acceptable fact is strengthened. The neglect of the health hazard and the absence of a ban on the actual promotion of marijuana smoking in film and video products led to the widespread spread of marijuana among American teens, including educational institutions of various ranks. The dynamics of marijuana use in the youth environment in the US shows a peak in the 1960-1970 period.
In subsequent years, the public’s attitude to this problem has radically changed, the myth of its harmlessness has dissipated, and most researchers have established that marijuana, while showing a lower tendency to produce mental and physical dependence, can still cause drug addiction and have a harmful effect On the mental, emotional and physical functions of the body. As a result of joint efforts of various state and public organizations to combat the spread of marijuana in the period 1975-1993. There was a slight decrease in its use among university students. However, it remains one of the most commonly used drugs by US youth. The discussion about the legalization of cannabis preparations for use in medicine as medicines and as an “easy” drug for drug addicts continues despite the seriousness of the argument put forward about the danger of moving to other, “heavy” drugs, heroin or cocaine.
Until 1992, in the United States, marijuana was placed on Schedule No. 2, which meant that there could be limited use for medical purposes (mainly AIDS patients, oncological diseases and glaucoma). But since 1992, only the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), legally manufactured in the US, has been authorized in some countries (the USA and Germany) for use in medicine under control and mainly for the treatment of glaucoma and toxicosis of cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy : Preparations Dronobiol (Marinol) and Nabinol (Tsesamesh). In the Netherlands and Spain, the cultivation of a small amount of cannabis and its use for its own purposes is not prosecuted by law.
In USA, you can get many of its various varieties, such as Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Vietnamese Green, New York White. All these names correspond to the power and the place of collection of marijuana.
In the US market, the best is marijuana from Mexico and Vietnam. Anasha from the Middle East is also highly regarded, but it is not easily accessible.
You can not determine what kind of product is purchased without first having tried it, since most types of cannabis are similar to each other and smell the same, regardless of the strength of the effect.