The legendary drug created by man-Methamphetamine takes special care, this is one of the most advanced drugs deserves special attention.
Methamphetamine (meth) is a narcotic drug, a strong physical and mental synthetic stimulant. Methamphetamine, labeled Desoxyn, is legally used in the US for the treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in both children and adults. Relatively easy to synthesize (perhaps at home), widely used throughout the world. It occurs in the form of white (or off-white), bitter-tasting, odorless powder, also in the form of tablets, capsules and small or large crystals. In the CIS countries, particularly in Russia, methamphetamine is also often found in the form of a hand-crafted solution of primitin (screw).
* 1887 – Amphetamine was first obtained at the University of Berlin by the Romanian chemist L.Edeleanu and is called “phenylisopropylamine”.
* 1919 – Methamphetamine was first synthesized by the Japanese scientist A. Ogata (A.Ogata).
* 1930 – The property of amphetamine was found to raise blood pressure.
* 1932 – Amphetamine is first sold under the name “benzedrine” in the form of an inhalant.
* 1935 – Amphetamine is used as a stimulant by doctors in the treatment of narcolepsy.
* 1937 – Amphetamine was started to be released in the form of tablets and released by prescription.
* 1940 – Methamphetamine is sold under the name “Methedrine”.
* During the Second World War, methamphetamine, under the brand name, was widely used by German soldiers.
* 1959 – The first report on the intravenous use of “benzedrine” derivatives.
* 1963 – Illicit manufacture of amphetamines begins (after the decree in California prohibits their sale).
1960s – Methamphetamine is widely distributed in the United States.
* 1970 – The United States is issuing a federal law prohibiting the purchase of amphetamines without a prescription.
* 1980s – Methamphetamine smoking is popular in the United States.
The chemical name: (S) -N, a-dimethylphenethylamine (d-N-methylamphetamine)
Other chemical names: d-deoxyephedrine, d-disoxyephedrine, 1-phenyl-2-methylaminopropane, d-phenylisopropylmethyl-amine
Chemical formula: C6H6CH2CH (NHCH3) CH3 (abbreviated to C10H15N)
Molecular weight: 149.24 g / mol
Amphetamines are usually either a base or a salt. A pure form is called a “free base” – a base free from other functional groups. Most of the free bases of amphetamines at room temperature and at normal pressure are oily, easily volatile liquids. Therefore, in street sales, amphetamines are found in the form of salt. It is obtained by the action of acid on the base, the type of salt obtained depends on the acid used. Hydrochloric acid is used for most narcotic substances (including methamphetamine), which gives hydrochloride. In contrast, amphetamine is usually sulfate. It should be noted that sulfates are generally not suitable for smoking, and hydrochlorides are usually suitable.
Free base (liquid):
Boiling point: 214 C;
Solubility in water: insoluble;
Melting point: 172-174 C;
Solubility in water: 1: 2;
The molecule of methamphetamine consists of a molecule of amphetamine and a methyl group attached to nitrogen. The methyl group is a single carbon atom bound to several hydrogen atoms (usually with three). It has been established that when the methyl group is added to the molecule of the psychotropic substance, the effects, duration and strength of the drug effect vary slightly. In particular, methamphetamine, because of the presence of a methyl group, has a slightly higher solubility (compared to amphetamine), so it quickly penetrates the brain. In addition, methamphetamine is excreted longer from the body (the duration of action is longer almost 2 times), and its dosage is 2 times less to achieve a stimulating effect similar to amphetamine.
Methamphetamine is most often found in the form of a powder – hydrochloride. From the hydrochloride powder, crystals can be grown. Methamphetamine in the crystalline form is considered to be more pure, pure, since from the contaminated powder the crystals are not grown. Because of the size and type of crystals, crystalline methamphetamine hydrochloride is sometimes called “ice” or “glass.”
The process of obtaining methamphetamine is quite simple, which makes it possible to manufacture methamphetamine at home. More often, at home, a homemade analogue of methamphetamine is obtained – a screw. Classical cooking of the screw is described in a document called screwFACK.
When taking methamphetamine observed: – Increased heart rate – Increased blood pressure – Increased body temperature – Increased respiration rate.
Methamphetamine, like other stimulants of the central nervous system, has a strong bronchodilator effect; When used, blood vessels contract, and pupils dilate.
Effects can vary greatly depending on the characteristics of the body.
Positive effects: – Increased activity – Decreased need for sleep – Feeling of euphoria – Increased sexuality.
Neutral effects: – excessive talkativeness – weight loss – increased sweating.
Negative effects: – violation of sleep patterns – spasm of chewing muscles (trismus), grinding of teeth – loss of appetite (anorexia) – goose bumps – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea – excessive excitement – rapid breathing – irritability – aggressive behavior – panic, paranoia – violent Depression when discontinuing use.
Symptoms of consumption:
* Hyperactivity
Vascular narrowing
* Pupil expansion
* Weakening hunger and weight loss
* Anxiety
* Insomnia
* Paranoia and aggression
After use: – dizziness – cold sweat – trembling.
Long-term use leads to: -non-eating – the body begins to lack a dream. Multiple reception of methamphetamine causes psychological dependence, tolerance to the substance develops.
With prolonged use of methamphetamine, there are possible: – liver and kidney disease – lowering of immunity – brain damage – permanent psychological problems. Chronic use can also cause “amphetamine psychosis” – a mental abnormality similar to paranoid schizophrenia.
Physical dependence hardly develops. But with the cessation of use, nevertheless there is a certain abstinence syndrome characterized by: – fatigue – periods of prolonged restless sleep – irritability – a strong feeling of hunger – severe depression.
Methamphetamine is in the blood plasma (half-life) on average from 12 to 18 hours. Can be found in the urine (drug test) within 5 days after use.
It is contraindicated to take methamphetamine along with MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) – substances contained in many antidepressants. One should be especially cautious of people suffering from hypertension, arteriosclerosis and other heart diseases, since the use of methamphetamine can cause complications in the heart.
Studies have shown that the use of amphetamines during pregnancy can lead to a reduction in the weight of the newborn; At the same time, the likelihood of developing cardiac diseases and other abnormalities in a child increases. In addition, methamphetamine can be transmitted with human milk, so methamphetamine is contraindicated in breastfeeding.
To relieve agitation and sleep problems after taking methamphetamine, sedatives are sometimes used: Relanium and Valium (diazepam), Flurozepam and Phenazepam, Chloralhydrate, Librium (phenobarbital) and Corvalol. The use of barbiturates together with amphetamines mutually eliminates their effects. These substances have the opposite effect on the central nervous system.
When methamphetamine is overdosed, it is also possible to use antipsychotics such as haloperidol and aminazine (chlorpromazine), in the case when only diazepam is not enough.
Methamphetamine method of preparation, effects, drug metapetamine, methamphetamine
To alleviate withdrawal symptoms, doctors can use the following antidepressants: imipramine, amitriptyline, tianeptine, trazodone, prozac (fluoxetine). You can also use nootropics (Phenibut).
Medical use:
Pharmaceutical methamphetamine used for the treatment of ADHD, is available in the United States in tablets of 5 and 10 mg, is intended for oral administration (oral). The action begins approximately in half an hour after administration. Average daily dosage: 10-25 mg (taken usually 2 times a day).
Illegal consumption:
About illegal consumption of methamphetamine (including its production and reception) is described in detail in the documentary “The Most Dangerous Drug” – a link at the end of the article, I recommend to look at least the first 5 minutes.
The dose … the average single dose of methamphetamine is 50 mg. Indeed, with the first techniques, a person is usually quite 50 mg enough to experience a strong sense of euphoria and a stimulating effect for about 16 hours. With chronic use, 50 mg of methamphetamine is often not enough, and the duration of exposure is reduced. However, tolerance is growing still slowly: there are rarely individuals who have a single dose of 2 ml of screw (ie 200 mg of methamphetamine).
In the United States, Norway, the United Kingdom it is illegal to purchase or possess a drug without a prescription (the appropriate medical prescription).
In Russia, methamphetamine is not used for medical purposes, is considered a narcotic drug and is included in the list of narcotic drugs whose circulation is prohibited. Storage of more than 300 mg of methamphetamine is punishable.
Useful article. Very much helps with training, thanks)