
The application history has a long past. Initially, oxycodone waterproofing was used with a strong analgesic effect, as an alternative to morphine, heroin and codeine, which were widely used in the United States during the Civil War.
Oxycodone in the form of tablets was synthesized in 1916, and the first studies were carried out only a year later. The medicine came only in 1939.
Since 1995, the product began to be made under the already well-known name. After 3 years, Oxycodone contributed to the group of narcotic substances, so today the medicine can only be bought by prescription in a small dose.
Oxycodone has a quick and pronounced effect, it receives a drug of synthetic origin from opium alkanoloid thebaine.
To date, the drug is available in the form of tablets.
Among the analogues can be identified:
To date, you can find Oxycodone + Naloxone – the trade name for the combined drug that is used to treat patients who need to use opioid painkillers.

Effects on the human body
The described drug is considered the best among painkillers with a low degree of toxicity.
With increasing dosage, the effectiveness also increases. Due to this, oxycodone can use people with chronic pain.
To date, the drug is used by patients with cancer and other diseases that are accompanied by severe pain. Often, the drug is combined with Aspirin and Paracetamol.
The patient may experience the following symptoms:
The delay of the chair.
Weakness in the body.
Increased calm.
If the therapeutic dose is exceeded, an overdose occurs, a fatal outcome is possible. The duration of action is 6 hours, after oral administration, the effect occurs in 10-15 minutes.
Oxycodone is able to penetrate the placental barrier and into mother’s milk, so painkillers should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Oxycodone Dependence
With the constant use of the drug, strong physical dependencies arise. This is caused by irritation of certain receptors, when euphoria passes, the body needs a new dose.
Oxycodone also causes mental dependence, but the action is different:
Pleasant sensations disappear.
There is a desire to renew sensations, using the consumption of a new batch of tablets.
Addicts use the drug to rule out withdrawal. The use of the drug occurs by various methods.
The tablet is chewed, ground into a powder and sniffed, used for solution preparation and injection. With the constant use of drugs, addiction begins, the addict needs to increase the dosage.
Addiction symptoms
Any narcotic drugs adversely affect vital organs.
A person needs to constantly increase the dose.
You can recognize the dependence by the characteristic symptoms:
Constant concern.
Muscle pain
Stomach upset.
Sleep disturbance.
Strong sweat.
Tremor and leg cramps.
If you take the medicine in large uncontrolled doses, the respiratory center is inhibited.
A similar situation occurs with the combination of oxycodone with alcohol and barbiturates.
Dependent people may experience memory lapses and fainting, as well as the following symptoms:
Loss in space.
Rash on the body, itching.
The most serious consequences include the development of heart failure and cardiac arrest. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is indicated, with cardiac arrest – resuscitation.

Side effects and overdose
When using oxycodone for therapeutic purposes, the instructions for use must be observed, otherwise pronounced side effects occur, as well as an overdose.
In case of an overdose, the following symptoms occur:
Complicated breathing and its stop.
Loss of consciousness.
Pupil resizing.
Skin stickiness.
Slow heartbeat and its complete stop.
Cyanosis of the skin, lips.
Subject to the standard dosage, the following phenomena can be observed:
Nausea and vomiting.
Decreased appetite.
Delayed bowel movements.
Overdried oral cavity.
Increased sweat.
Weakness in the body.
Itchy skin.
Pain in the head.
Unreasonable mood swings.
Pupil changes.
Redness of the eyes.
The described side effects relate to the lungs, among severe ones, when immediate help is needed, they emit:
Difficulty breathing.
Swelling of the face and other parts of the body.
Hoarseness of voice.
Difficult swallowing of saliva and food.
Addiction treatment
Treatment for addiction to oxycodone is carried out gradually. Refusal of the drug should not be quick.
In order for the dependence not to appear, it is necessary:
Take the medicine strictly according to the scheme indicated by a specialist.
Do not increase the dose.
Do not take alcohol, sedatives during treatment.
Do not crush or chew tablets.
After the withdrawal of oxycodone, a breakage may occur, which does not mean a direct dependence. For proper treatment, the dose is gradually reduced, then the drug is completely abandoned.
Knowing why people take Oxycodone and what the consequences may be from it, it is necessary to use this remedy with extreme caution.
The exact dosage is selected exclusively by the doctor, independent use is fraught with the development of severe dependence, which is not always easy to get rid of.