synthetic drugs

All types of drugs of synthetic origin are synthesized in special chemical laboratories, or in a makeshift way.
China and Europe are the largest drug suppliers.
Celestial laboratories produce tons of synthetics, focused on deliveries around the world and are limited only by positions not prohibited in China. The start of modern Chinese manufacturers was given a legislative gap, which resulted in the appearance of designer drugs, substances for research, research chemicals. Since the beginning of the zero years, such positions as jwh-018, cp47, 4-mmc, mdpv and other substances not prohibited throughout the world flowed into the markets of the whole world. China has become the center of production for the entire world legal. The Chinese authorities are well aware of the benefits of such a business and are in no hurry to ban positions. The Europeans simply knocked out the ban of mephedrone, because the wagons of meow entered England, Germany and France.

Since 2000, Chinese manufacturers have been synthesizing mainly synthetic cannabinoids (JWH, PINACA, AM, HU, UR, RCS), metcathinones (MMC, FMC, BMC, MEK, BK-MDMA, BK-MDBD), pyrovalerons (MDPV, a-PVP , MPHP), phenethylamines (2C-I, N-Bome, allylescaline), tryptamines (HO-MET, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-DiPT), fentanyls (Acetylfentanyl), dissociatives (MXE, Tiletamine). An exception in the production are finished forms: mixes, tablets, brands and capsules. This is due to local law.
The second region in terms of drug production is Europe. The old world is distinguished by selectivity in the choice of substances, and classic dominates here. Amphetamine and MDMA are the most popular items, but the market is not limited to them. There is methamphetamine, methylphenidate, 2C-B, 2C-D, 2C-T-7, DOB, DOM, MDA, MDE, TMA, DMT, BK-MDMA, 4-MMC, Ketamine, etc. In Europe, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries are developed. , such companies as Alfa Aesar (England), Panreac (Spain), Acros Organics (Belgium), Merck (Germany) and others will provide any kitchen with the most diverse and cleanest raw materials. Production is developed in almost all countries of the European Union, but eastern Europe dominates: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

India has a highly developed pharmaceutical industry and weak anti-drug legislation. Until now, in some states, mephedrone and methylone are registered as mosquito repellents. Factories are ready to order to produce any kind of synthetics that are not limited by the UN Convention. Domestic production is poorly developed, represented by young chemists and small artisanal garage-apartment kitchens.

The choice of substances for synthesis relies on retail chemical stores and designer suppliers.
The simplest synthesis is the reduction of phenyl nitropropene on a foil to produce amphetamine. The method is easy to learn, reagents are easy to buy, so amphetamine is the most popular homemade drug on the street. For a long time, the elder brother of amphetamine dominated the street – methamphetamine in the form of a base. It was obtained in micro laboratories by the reduction of ephedrine with red phosphorus. The product was very dirty, but crushing. Over time, it has disappeared with the complete prohibition of ephedrine for medical use.
In recent years, the era of designer drugs has left its mark on home synthesis. Many young chemists have mastered the production of mephedrone and a-PVP in the kitchen. Synthetic cannabinoid MN-001, which is obtained in one very simple reaction from chrysindol, also gained popularity. But there are sellers of rare but very tasty surfactants. An example of such a store is …. Its catalog includes DMT, DPT, DOI, Mescaline, 2C-T-2, MDMA, DOM, MDA, DiPT, TMA-6.

If you are interested in diversity in a changed mind, I recommend reading and studying the synthesis methods of the book of the great surfactant researcher Alexander Shulgin: Pihkal and Tihkal. All substances are obtained according to the same recovery scheme with a difference in the sources to be laid. Methadone is synthesized from opiates, which is obtained from diphenylacetonitrile and 1-dimethylamino-2-chloropropane. A rare case is the preparation of methylfentanyl (white Chinese). The most popular artisanal opiate is a crocodile, which is easy to obtain from pharmacy sources.