In this article we will discuss those drugs that are easiest to give in everyday life, they are sold in all pharmacy stores. A huge number of tranquilizers, barbiturates have been synthesized all the time and continue to synthesize. There are all new pre-cameras. But for someone, they are medicine, and for others, the way to achieve euphoria ….
Barbiturates (derived from barbiturate acid) entered medical practice in the early twentieth century. More than 2,500 barbiturates were synthesized and at the peak of their popularity about 50 species were sold for consumption. To date, only about a dozen of them are accepted. Barbiturate produces a wide range of disorders of the central nervous system, beginning with mild sedation and reaching the coma and is used as a sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, or anti-convulsant. The initial characteristics of the barbiturate species are the following: how quickly they affect and how long the effects from this effect last. Barbiturates are classified into the following types: ultra short and short-acting, as well as medium-long and long-term actions. The ultrashort barbiturates exercise analgesic effects for about one minute after intravenous administration. Examples are those used in medicine: metokhexital (brevital), thiamylal (suritale) and thiopental (pentothal). Drug users who use barbiturate prefer a short-acting or medium-dose drug, namely pentobarbital (nembutal) and secobarbital (amytal). Other barbiturates of short and medium duration of exposure include butalbital (fiorinale, fioricet), butabarbital (butizol), talbutal (lotusat) and aprobarbital (alurate). After using the drug inside the action begins within 15 – 40 minutes, and the effects last up to 6 hours. These drugs are mainly used to calm and call sleep. Veterinarians use pentobarbital as an anesthetic and a means for euthanasia (painless withdrawal from life). Barbiturates of long-term exposure are the following: phenobarbital (luminal) and mefobarbital (mebaral). The impact of these drugs appears after about one hour and lasts for 12 hours. In addition, these drugs are used to calm during the day and treat seizures or a little anxiety. Barbiturates are hypnotics, which, with prolonged use, are addictive. In recent years, they have become a subject of increased interest in substance abuse. Barbiturates are similar in structure to barbituric acid. In medicine, the most widely used are the following: barbitol, barbamil, phenobarbital (also called luminal) and ethanol – sodium. Abuse of barbiturates is typical for patients with alcoholism and drug addiction. This may be due to the fact that the tendency to receive barbiturates is inherited by the same mechanism as the propensity to consume alcohol and drugs. In addition to its main medicinal effect, barbiturates cause a weak euphoria. This is their property more and more attracts people who abuse sleeping pills, and eventually become for them an end in themselves. Unsure of the majority of the danger of uncontrolled taking of barbiturates, they can get into physical dependence on them. And this dependence can be expressed in the form of a tenacious withdrawal syndrome. With a severe overdose of barbiturates (more than 4-6 g per reception), fatal outcomes are possible due to paralysis of the respiratory center and development of coma. It should be borne in mind that with too frequent taking barbiturates, their doses are summed up, which creates a serious threat to health even when taking relatively low single doses.
List of potent barbiturates
• Luminal
A lethal dose of 800-1000 mg. Luminal is a strong barbiturate of continuous action. Usually it is sold in the form of red (16 mg), white (32 mg) or green (100 mg) tablets with grooves.
• Amutal
Strong barbiturate is long-lasting. The lethal dose is 100-250 mg. Sold in the form of light green (15 mg), pink
(100 mg) tablets or capsules in a shell with the inscription “Lilly”.
• Ammotal sodium
It is very similar to amputation, but is sold in light-blue capsules with a dark blue stripe separating the upper and lower parts. Dosage as well as amputation.
• Butizol sodium
Sold in the form of green, orange, pink and blue pills, which says “McNeil”. A lethal dose of 150 mg.
• Nembutal
Strong barbiturate sedative and hypnotic action. The lethal dose of Nembutal or the “yellow jacket” is about 200 mg. He, like all barbiturates, is extremely dangerous if he is taken by an infected or weakened person. Nembutal is sold in yellow capsules of 30 mg with the inscription “a” on the bottom, in capsules of 50 mg, yellow with a white bottom and the letter “a” on it, and in capsules of 100 mg, yellow with the inscription “Abbott”.
• Seconal
One of the most popular barbiturates on the black market, as it is known to doctors very widely. It is known under the names “Red Devil”, “Red Birds”, “Blush” because of the color of the capsules. It is sold in red capsules of 32 mg, a lethal dose of about 150 mg.
• Librium
A weak tranquilizer, usually the recommended dose is 5-15 mg 3-4 times a day. This depressant is easiest to obtain, because Doctors prescribe it for insomnia and neuroses. It is sold in green and yellow capsules with the inscription “Roche-5”, or in brown and green capsules of 10 mg each with the inscription “Roche-10”, or in white and green capsules of 25 mg with the inscription “Roche-25”.
• Valium
An easy tranquilizer, the recommended dose of which is 510 mg for 2-3 times a day. It is sold in white capsules of 2 mg and in yellow tablets of 5 mg with the inscription “Roche”.
• Terazine
A very strong drug. It is considered the strongest tranquilizer and should be used especially carefully. Terazine is given to soothe violent patients. The usual dose is about 25 mg. It can be used if the acid does not give a good result. However, the terazine is too calming but does not care about waking up.
(Diazepam, Seduxen, Sibazon, Relanium)
It is used only for rapid relief of seizures and epileptic statuses, and also as a prophylactic for febrile seizures (in the form of microclysters).
(Antelepsin, Rivotryl)
Has pronounced anticonvulsant, as well as central muscle relaxant, anxiolytic and sedative action.
When high doses are used, – paradoxical reactions (for example, acute excitation conditions);
With a sharp withdrawal of the drug after long-term treatment, abstinence syndrome is possible.
(Eunotin, Mogadon, Neozepam, Radedorm)
Has a hypnotic, miorelaksiruyuschee, soothing and anticonvulsant action. Oppresses conditioned reflexes and inhibits polysynaptic reflexes of the spinal cord; Reduces the impact of emotional, vegetative and motor stimuli, which break the mechanism of falling asleep. Nitrazepam increases the depressing effect on the CNS of tranquilizers, antidepressants, narcotic analgesics; Increases the effect of muscle relaxants; Potentiates the effect of antihypertensive agents.
Tranquilizer from the benzodiazepine group. It causes a decrease in emotional tension, excitement, aggressiveness, contributes to the normalization of sleep, has an anticonvulsant and central muscle relaxant effect.
With the simultaneous appointment of Frisium with analgesics of central action, anesthesia, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, sedatives and hypnotics, their effects are mutually potentiated.
(Apo-Lorazepam, Ativan, Merlit)
Tranquilizer from the benzodiazepine group. Has a calming effect on the central nervous system, suppresses a sense of fear, anxiety, stress, reduces psychomotor agitation, has a mild hypnotic effect.
Has tranquilizing, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and central muscle relaxant activity.
Thanks, was very interesting
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