We will tell you about the legendary drug number one in the world – about cocaine. This drug participated in political scandals and built the economy of some countries. The number of cocaine lovers is estimated at millions, and billions of dollars are earned by cocaine drug lords.
Cocaine (on slang: coke, coconut, coca, snow, first, ort, corsa, si, cec, nut) is an alkaloid, a drug produced from the leaves of coca (Erythroxylon coca) – a plant distributed in South America.
Occurs in the form of a white powder or paste. It has the effect of anesthesia, preventing the transmission of information from one nerve cell to another. Bitter taste, causes numbness of the tongue and gums with a “tongue” sample.
Cocaine belongs to the psychomotor group. Begins to work almost instantaneously, immediately after the powder gets on the nasal mucosa, comes “arrival” – a flash of buzz. The motor activity sharply increases, the brain “thinks faster”, there is a general upsurge of mental and physical strength.
The effect does not last long – 10-15 minutes, and then comes the depression, which lasts about 30-40 minutes.
Cocaine is a vasoconstrictor, that is, it reduces blood vessels. It increases the frequency of breathing and body temperature and suppresses the gag reflex. At high doses, it can cause tremors (trembling of the hands) and convulsions. These stimulatory effects can lead to damage to the central nervous system, which causes respiratory depression and / or cardiac arrest and can lead to death.
After repeated exposure of cocaine to certain areas of the limbic system (groups of brain structures associated with emotions and motivation), cocaine users become more prone to seizures resembling epileptic seizures.
Cocaine causes a significant loss of appetite, which leads to a serious weight loss and imbalance of nutrients. The use of cocaine causes sleep disturbances.
Symptoms of cocaine psychosis usually include paranoia, persecution mania, visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations, depression and loss of motivation.
When cocaine is administered through the nose, the blood vessels contract; This can cause inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane, so when cocaine is used together through the nose, there is a risk of contracting hepatitis through a common tube. If cocaine is consumed intravenously, the use of foreign syringes can lead to the following infections and diseases: HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, blood poisoning, inflammation of the heart lining and valves.
Smoking of coca paste causes the following serious complications: bronchitis, prolonged coughing, blurred vision and impaired circulation of the lungs.
Chronic and uncontrolled consumption of cocaine leads to depression, nervousness and other psychological problems. Despite the fact that even with prolonged consumption, cocaine can not cause withdrawal symptoms, consumers often can not abandon it until it runs out.
When used in conjunction with alcohol, the body produces a substance called “cocaethylene (ethyl cocaine)”, which can lead to arrhythmia of the heart; Cases of complete cardiac arrest are also common.
Positive effects:
– a sense of euphoria,
– lifting of mood,
– Increase of working capacity,
– self-confidence.
Dosage depends on the duration of consumption. The starting dose is two “paths”.
Dependence and other hazards
Long-term use of cocaine causes paranoia, deafness, delirium, indigestion and uncontrolled convulsions. In addition, there is a very likely problem with the nasal mucosa or vein hardening (depends on the method of administration); Disturbance of the phases of sleep (a man ceases to sleep). There is an effect on the potency.
The most unpleasant side effect of psychostimulants is “recoil” in the form of reduced motivation, performance and mood, which can lead to the formation of psychological dependence if repeated doses of the stimulant are used to overcome these consequences.
In connection with the increasing load of cocaine in the heart, people with heart problems, hypertension or cardiovascular disease are more at risk of fatal overdose. There are rare cases of cerebral hemorrhage caused by a sharp increase in blood pressure.