In our time, a variety of drugs are coming in. Mostly from India, from Afghanistan. Moreover, they have become very accessible from other countries – from China, from the Ini for young people. They can be obtained by mail, on the Internet, most of them come from the Darknet-the dark web. Access to the Darknet can be obtained even by a schoolboy, today this is not a problem for minors.

Dinitrophenol (DNP) (C6H4N2O5)
Known as 2,4-dinitrophenol. It is a strong fat burner, which is part of many drinks and dietary products intended for weight loss. Interestingly, burning fats is carried out in the right sense of the word. True, the temperature of the body is incredibly rising.
Note that this substance has become famous in 1930. The official ban on his distribution came only a couple of years ago, since the drug causes severe changes in the body, is dangerous to human health. However, the product still can be bought in the black market.
Until 1938, dinitrophinol was used as an official weight loss kindness, but later was prohibited due to serious side effects, which should be counted for cataract, skin damage, otitis. Today, he is becoming more and more popular, mainly comes from China. Interestingly, manufacturers are positioning it as a regulator of plant growth or herbicide.

DMGP – marijuana derivative hallucinogenic steroid. Previously, he was used in psychiatry as a strong psychotropic drug. However, at the same time, the drug was forbidden to use. And today he is also in the list of prohibited products.

Zolpidem is a well-known medicine that is prescribed for the development of insomnia. Interestingly, the drug is also prescribed as a medicine for a number of brain diseases. It has a quick action. Sometimes only 15 minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect. The tablets also have a very short half-life.
Interestingly, the product can be purchased in pharmacies without any problems. But it is not recommended to use it too often and without the appointment of a specialist. The drug is addictive, and its effect may be very insignificant against the background of new problems.

Fentanyl is a narcotic analgesic that belongs to the class of 4-anilidopiperidines, with extremely high activity-100 times stronger than morphine. Synthesized under the auspices of the Belgian pharmaceutical company “Janssen” in the late 50s of the last century. The drug is available under the following names:
Instanil-nasal spray from Takeda Pharma»
“Fentanyl” in the form of solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration
“Fendivia” and “Durogesic” – transdermal therapeutic systems, used for percutaneous anesthesia for chronic pain.
If we take the chemical side of the drug, it is in many ways similar to trimeperidine (“Promedol”). The drug has properties that are in principle characteristic of the opiate group of drugs. Fentanyl is a drug that is included in the list of controlled substances. But at the same time, it is an important medicine, in some cases even vital..

Bromo-DragonFLY is a very powerful and long-lasting synthetic psychedelic drug that can have a stimulating effect. The danger of Bromo-DragonFLY is that the level of safe dosage is very narrow. The active dose of the substance is only hundreds of micrograms, and with an overdose of even a couple of milligrams, acute intoxication can easily occur,and sometimes even death.
In 2009, a batch of Bromo-DragonFLY was mistakenly sold as a batch of the less powerful drug 2C-B-FLY, resulting in certain problems. Many people were hospitalized, some of them died.
Bromo-DragonFLY has a hallucinogenic and stimulating effect. Various statistics show that, in general, the effect of the substance lasts 36 hours after ingestion. If you take the substance orally, the effect will be slower, it will occur only after 2-3 hours. But in general, the drug as a psychedelic acts unpredictably. The effect may increase, decrease, or change. That is, the consciousness switches between hallucinations and clarity of mind an infinite number of times.

Nutmeg is interesting not only for cooks, but also for other categories of interested persons. It is known that the nut can cause psychotropic effects, which has made it very popular among drug addicts and people who are not indifferent to psychoactive substances.
When using the product in microscopic dosages, you can not be afraid of euphoria and narcotic effect. However, experts say that the daily safe dose for humans is only 9 grams. If the dose is exceeded, all signs of poisoning will appear. Interestingly, the process of intoxication begins very weakly, almost imperceptibly, but after a couple of hours after taking it, all possible signs of poisoning will appear.

BZP (benzylpiperazine)
BZP (benzylpiperazine) is a chemical compound derived from piperazine. The substance has a psychostimulating effect, which can also develop when taking amphetamine, only it will be less strong. Often the substance is included in the composition of tablets that are sold in seedy places under the name “ecstasy”.
For benzylpiperazine, the effect on dopamine transporters is characteristic. It provokes the release of dopamine from the cytoplasm into the synaptic cleft. In high doses, benzylpiperazine also leads to the release of serotonin, but this effect is poorly expressed.

A psychoactive substance from the class of phenylethylamines, derived from 2C-I, synthesized in 2003 by Ralf Heim at the Free University of Berlin, as part of a PhD thesis on the synthesis and pharmacology of serotonin receptor agonists.
25NBOM is a strong drug of synthetic origin. Thus, it is a substance that causes a feeling of euphoria, like cocaine or methamphetamine, but with a pronounced psychotropic effect. The drug has a direct effect on a person’s emotions and mood. Interestingly, the psychological craving for alcohol is formed very quickly. It is a cheap narcotic drug that is available in many club venues.

Benzo Fury
At the moment, Benzo Fury is one of the most popular drugs in England, which is also legalized at the state level. The substance is freely available on the Internet, it can be obtained in clubs and at festivals. However, experts believe that the substance is dangerous for human health – it can raise blood pressure, form an addiction.
The drug causes a feeling of euphoria, it acts on the brain in the same way as other hallucinogens and stimulants. In fact, the effect of taking it is the same as that of using ecstasy.

5-methoxy-diisopropyltryptamine (DIPT)
The substance is known as a sonic hallucinogen. The effect after taking the drug is quite strange – a person has hallucinations about sounds. He hears incredibly loud sounds that can easily frighten him to the point of nausea. Interestingly, the interrogation of those who tried the substance showed that loud frightening sounds are repeated even after a single dose for up to 30 days. Also, the drug forms an addiction, and the person who uses the substance needs drug treatment.

Flakka is a synthetic street drug with a psychostimulating effect. Its chemical name is alpha-pyrrolidinopenthiophenone, alpha-PVP. It is a synthetic cathinone (an amphetamine-like compound). Flakka has a more powerful effect and is much cheaper than methamphetamine. Thanks to these properties, the drug quickly spread among addicts. The drug forms cravings more quickly, and when intoxicated, there is a pronounced deviant behavior. For this reason, this drug is called as a zombie drug.

Tramal, or tramadol — a medical drug, the reception of which in high dosages causes narcotic addiction. Dependence can be formed literally from the first reception. If you take the drug constantly, then very quickly the mental and physical health of the individual will be destroyed.
Modern medicine uses tramadol and tramal in equal amounts. As a rule, the composition of these drugs is practically the same. The main component in the composition is tramadol hydrochloride. Both drugs are dangerous, they form an addiction in the same way.

Scopolamine is a rather unusual drug that is very common in South America. Especially among the Colombian criminal groups. The drug can cause increased suggestibility and amnesia in a person. In fact, it turns a person into a zombie that obediently obeys any orders.
The drug seems to put a person into a trance, forcing him to do something that he will not remember later. The presented technique is used by criminals to carry out particularly dangerous crimes. In particular, to commit an act of terrorism or to force someone to transfer material values to a criminal group. In fact, this is ideal – a person is not a full-fledged person, he acts on orders, in addition, he does not remember anything after that. In the case of claims from law enforcement agencies, all attention will be paid to the “criminal”, and not to the organizers.
At the moment, the substance is distributed strictly in Colombia, and has not yet left the country. If this happens, there is every reason to believe that the mafia will take over the reins of the world.

It is a new and still poorly studied synthetic stimulant and psychedelic. It is mainly sold in the form of stamps that are impregnated with this component. NBOMe has become popular with nightclub goers. The reasons are very simple – the relative cheapness of the drug and unusual sensations.
Paco is a narcotic substance that kills thousands of children in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Peru. It first appeared in the suburbs of Buenos Aires amid the crisis in 2001, but then it moved on to neighboring countries. The presented narcotic substance is prepared from the remains of the production of cocaine, which is mixed with dust from halogen lamps. So, the mixture very quickly causes addiction in humans. There are also physiological consequences: destroyed teeth, fatal asphyxia, weight loss – these are just a few changes that occur in the body as a result of such use.

The chemical name of carfentanyl is the methyl ester of 4-((1-oxopropyl) – phenylamino)-1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidine carboxylic acid. The structure is similar to its predecessor — fentanyl. But there is one caveat-the described substance is not intended for use inside the body.
On the black market, where carfentanil is distributed, the drug presented is positioned as an “elephant tranquilizer” or “C. 50”. This is a substance that is often part of one of the most dangerous drugs – the gray death, which includes fentanyl, U-47700, and heroin. American media describe this drug as drop dead or drop dead.